Electric Jesus

From WTVM:

“Electric Jesus” is set to begin filming in Columbus on Tuesday, Aug. 20. When they do, the feature film will include Judd Nelson, famous for his role as John Bender in “The Breakfast Club” and Brian Baumgartner, who played Kevin Malone in the hit TV series “The Office.”

The movie is set in the summer of 1986 and tells the story of Christian hair metal band who hits the road for the summer and gets the opportunity to open for Stryper, a real Christian hair metal band.

Nelson is set to play a pastor in the film, while Baumgartner is gearing up for a summer with the band as the group’s road manager.

Will Oliver, a Columbus native, has also been cast in the movie as Jaime, who is described in a press release as the “lead guitarist for a small town Christian heavy metal band: confident, easy-going and more into Jimi than Jesus.”

Chris White, the producer, writer and director of the film, describes it as a coming-of-age rock and roll comedy. The film’s tagline calls itself “The ’80s hair band music comedy you’ve been saving yourself for.”